Dragons Online: Student Advice Over 800 Students answered a survey on online learning and offered their advice. Here are the top 10 pieces of advice that were shared. 10. Online learning is a different experience for everyone. You have to find out what works for you with online learning, through trial and error. Once you find what works, what makes you successful and comfortable, keep doing those things. 9. Stay organized and be thankful that we even have the opportunity to learn. Imagine doing this 20 years ago. 8. Treat online courses like an in-person class. Don’t slack off. 7. Write down EVERY due date. Cross them off when you’ve finished them. It’s easy to let small things slip through the cracks. 6. Get to know your classmates and reach out to them as often as possible. 5. Contribute to discussion threads and make the most of your learning. 4. Get a planner and USE it! 3. Express your feelings and concerns to your professors and those who support you. 2. Take breaks throughout the day. Give your brain a screen-free break. 1. Do not give up, even if it seems impossible or very frustrating. Just breathe because there are a lot of other students in your position and are facing the same issues.